-Ooh, ooh, ooh- Eb Past lives couldn't ever hold me down Bb6 Lost love is sweeter when it's finally found Cm Bb6 I've got the strangest feelin' Cm Ab This isn't our first time around Eb Past lives couldn't ever come between us Bb6 Sometimes the dreamers finally wake up Cm Bb6 Don't wake me, I'm not dreamin' Cm Ab Don't wake me, I'm not dreamin' Eb Past lives couldn't ever hold me down Bb6 Lost love is sweeter when it's finally found Cm Bb6 I've got the strangest feelin' Cm Ab This isn't our first time around Eb Past lives couldn't ever come between us Bb6 Sometimes the dreamers finally wake up Cm Bb6 Don't wake me, I'm not dreamin' Cm Ab Don't wake me, I'm not dreamin' Eb Past lives couldn't ever hold me down Bb6 Lost love is sweeter when it's finally found Cm Bb6 I've got the strangest feelin' Cm Ab This isn't our first time around Eb Past lives couldn't ever come between us Bb6 Sometimes the dreamers finally wake up Cm Bb6 Don't wake me, I'm not dreamin' Cm Ab Don't wake me, I'm not dreamin' Outro -x2-: Eb Bb6 Cm Bb6 Cm Ab
That looks beautiful – do you think there is a chance Kala might eventually make it in Baritone?
My first uke is a mahoghany Donner tenor with a pickup. After playing for awhile I knew I wanted a 2nd tenor so I could have a low G and a high G without changing the string every time. I got a bamboo tenor and it is much brighter as described above. I leave the high G on it and to me it sounds great, more of a traditional sound and more distinction when playing with guitar players. Very happy with this Kala Bamboo Tenor!