Intro: | G C G D | G | Verse: G Em On the first day of Christmas, Am D G My true love sent to me G C G D G a partridge in a pear tree. Verse: G Em On the second day of Christmas, Am D G My true love sent to me D Two turtle doves, G C G D G And a partridge in a pear tree. Verse: G Em On the third day of Christmas, Am D G My true love sent to me D Three French hens, D Two turtle doves, G C G D G And a partridge in a pear tree. Verse: G Em On the fourth day of Christmas, Am D G My true love sent to me D Four colly birds, D Three French hens, D Two turtle doves, G C G D G And a partridge in a pear tree. Verse: G Em On the fifth day of Christmas, Am D G My true love sent to me G A D Five gold rings, G Four colly birds, C Three French hens, A D Two turtle doves, G C G D G And a partridge in a pear tree. Verse: G Em On the sixth day of Christmas, Am D G My true love sent to me D Six geese a-laying, G A D Five gold rings, G Four colly birds, C Three French hens, A D Two turtle doves, G C G D G And a partridge in a pear tree. Verse: G Em On the seventh day of Christmas, Am D G My true love sent to me D Seven swans a-swimming, D Six geese a-laying, G A D Five gold rings, G Four colly birds, C Three French hens, A D Two turtle doves, G C G D G And a partridge in a pear tree. Verse: G Em On the eighth day of Christmas, Am D G My true love sent to me D Eight maids a-milking, D Seven swans a-swimming, D Six geese a-laying, G A D Five gold rings, G Four colly birds, C Three French hens, A D Two turtle doves, G C G D G And a partridge in a pear tree. Verse: G Em On the ninth day of Christmas, Am D G My true love sent to me D Nine ladies dancing, D Eight maids a-milking, D Seven swans a-swimming, D Six geese a-laying, G A D Five gold rings, G Four colly birds, C Three French hens, A D Two turtle doves, G C G D G And a partridge in a pear tree. Verse: G Em On the tenth day of Christmas, Am D G My true love sent to me D Ten lords a-leaping, D Nine ladies dancing, D Eight maids a-milking, D Seven swans a-swimming, D Six geese a-laying, G A D Five gold rings, G Four colly birds, C Three French hens, A D Two turtle doves, G C G D G And a partridge in a pear tree. Verse: G Em On the eleventh day of Christmas, Am D G My true love sent to me D Eleven pipers piping, D Ten lords a-leaping, D Nine ladies dancing, D Eight maids a-milking, D Seven swans a-swimming, D Six geese a-laying, G A D Five gold rings, G Four colly birds, C Three French hens, A D Two turtle doves, G C G D G And a partridge in a pear tree. Verse: G Em On the twelfth day of Christmas, Am D G My true love sent to me D Twelve drummers drumming, D Eleven pipers piping, D Ten lords a-leaping, D Nine ladies dancing, D Eight maids a-milking, D Seven swans a-swimming, D Six geese a-laying, G A D Five gold rings, G Four colly birds, C Three French hens, A D Two turtle doves, G C G D G And a partridge in a pear tree!
I’m so happy this song is on here now! finally I can play the song I cry myself to sleep to!
the F7 in verse 3 should be a Gb, but otherwise great chords for a fantastic song!
idk if anyone was having trouble with this, but the picking/strumming i do is the c string once and then i strum both the e and a strings twice
-2 is the easiest imo
y’all have no idea how happy i am that this song finally has a uke chord chart, this song is one of my favorite mitski songs and it sounds so pretty on the ukulele!! i love to play it, thank you for this chord chart!
I use C – E – A as the plucking pattern with the usual chords, it sounds lovely :))
I will gladly cry to this song any day
-2 but e and eb7 are replaced with em and db is replaced with dm : )
pls im crying i love mitski so much
the way i play it is pluck the g and a strings at the same time, then c, then e