Mandolin Tuner

~Real Mandolin or Beep?~

Quickly Tune your Mandolin!

Viva La Mandolin

The UkuTabs online mandolin tuner offers you the most advanced and easy-to-use mandolin tuner to keep your mandolin in tune without the need of a tuning device. It is completely free and very versatile. By default it is using standard tuning (GDAE), but you can freely choose one of the popular (and less popular) preset tunings. Hit the play button on each string to hear the note. You can easily switch between a real instrument playing or digital beep.

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tap to play UkuTabs mandolin UkuTabs mandolin




Select your tuning


Online Mandolin Tuner with Microphone

Below you can find a quality chromatic Tuner by GuitarApp. This allows you to tune your mandolin with the microphone on your computer or smartphone. He designed a smooth responsive tuner algorithm with extremely high precision to keep all your mandolines in tune.

Simply click the red microphone icon in the middle to allow your microphone to listen to your strings. The dial will move accordingly and guide you in tuning your mandolin. You can choose from multiple tunings and even instruments.


What is standard mandolin tuning?

The open strings on the mandolin are commonly tuned to G, D, A and E. This is known as standard tuning. This is what you need to play most of the songs. The open strings can be located as follows, from left to right looking at your mandolin with the headstock at the top:

  • G: the 4th string (the furthest left on the fretboard)
  • D: the 3rd string
  • A: the 2nd string
  • E: the 1st string

How to use MandoTabs mandolin tuner?

This tuner supports the most popular mandolin tunings. Standard tuning is GDEA, which is the most common mandolin tuning. Feel free to experiment though, some more exotic tunings are also available: Gee-DAD (GDAD), open G (GDGB), sawmill (GDGD) and high-bass (ADAE). The standard, Gee-DAD and Open-G mandolin tunings are the most popular tunings in bluegrass / old-time music.

Once you have selected a tuning, simply tap on the tuning pegs to ring out the root note for each string. Listen carefully and tune your mandolin to that note by ear. Some people find a monotone beep easier to tune to. Select 'beep' if you want to use that sound instead of the natural mandolin strings. While tuning your mandolin stroke one string of a pair and mute the other string using the pick.

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