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~Get To Know This Artist~

Jon Bellion Biography

Strictly a producer at age 14, Bellion became increasingly fed up with being asked for generic records. After literally giving singing and rapping “a shot” out of frustration, the now 29 year old Bellion has developed an incredibly unique lane untouched by anyone. His obsession with moving forward and experimentation has driven him to create “solid and refreshing tunes”, and in the words of Jon himself “that’s all that really matters”

Jon’s 2010 mixtape “Scattered Thoughts Vol.

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Kunt u het nummer dat u zoekt van deze artiest niet vinden? Dat is jammer. Het spijt me dat UkuTabs jouw liedje niet heeft. Je kunt je liedje aanvragen op de Aanvraag Pagina. Ik zal proberen het zo snel mogelijk toe te voegen aan het UkuTabs archief!

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