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Short Info

Started playing the uke sometime in 2020.

Funny story:
I bought one from a newly opened music store near my house just a week or two before the lockdown started. Funny thing was, I went to the store to buy a concert uke because most online recommendations suggested that size for beginners. I ended up buying a baritone uke thinking it was concert :facepalm: Naturally even the shopkeeper had no idea about the different sizes.
During mid 2021, I actually got really into playing uke and that’s when I decided I should buy a slightly larger size of uke. So on my birthday, I gifted myself a Tenor ukulele. Was surprised as hell when it turned out to be smaller than my then presumed concert uke (which actually was baritone)! Because I knew concert < tenor in terms of sizes, so it didn’t make any sense.
After doing some research, my misconception was brought to light. I even got a new set of strings to change the tuning to DGBE from its previous gCEA.

UkuBalance 2,170 / UkuPoints



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Ashley Hedge
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