Month: March 2016

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~Get To Know This Artist~

Labrinth Biography

McKenzie attended Stoke Newington School and became interested in a musical career during his school years. He comes from a music family consisting of nine siblings. His brother, Mac.1, is a producer, and he introduced McKenzie to the art of creating music in his studio, at the age of 15. Labrinth started his big time career by producing for Master Shortie in his debut album A.D.H.D.. This gained a buzz within the industry and he was then signed to a publishing deal by Guy Moot at EMI Music Publishing.

Genres: , , , , .
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Non riuscite a trovare la canzone che state cercando di questo artista? Che sfortuna. Mi dispiace che UkuTabs non abbia la tua canzone. Puoi richiedere la tua canzone nella pagina delle richieste. Cercherò di aggiungerla all'archivio di UkuTabs il prima possibile!

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