Month: July 2013

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~Get To Know This Artist~

Chris Rice Biography

Chris Rice’s most recent offerings to the music world include pop radio hits “When Did You Fall (In Love With Me)” and “Lemonade” from his album “What A Heart Is Beating For.”

Rice was born in Washington DC, and has been a resident of Franklin and Nashville TN since his early twenties.

From his official website: “In 1996 he signed with a record label (Rocketown Records) as their first artist. After four plus albums and a few handfuls of Christian radio hit singles

Genres: , , , , .
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Non riuscite a trovare la canzone che state cercando di questo artista? Che sfortuna. Mi dispiace che UkuTabs non abbia la tua canzone. Puoi richiedere la tua canzone nella pagina delle richieste. Cercherò di aggiungerla all'archivio di UkuTabs il prima possibile!

Le 10 canzoni più viste oggi  

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