Month: July 2012

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The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus Biography

The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus is an alternative rock/post-hardcore band that was originally formed in 2003 in Middleburg, Florida, about 30 miles south west of Jacksonville. The current members of the band are Ronnie Winter, the lead vocalist, Joey Westwood, bassist, Josh Burke, guitarist, & Jon Wilkes, drummer, all of whom do back-up vocals.

Art often thrives in the aftermath of adversity, and since we last heard from Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, there have been plenty of variables that the five-piece alternative rock act had to endure.

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Kunt u het nummer dat u zoekt van deze artiest niet vinden? Dat is jammer. Het spijt me dat UkuTabs jouw liedje niet heeft. Je kunt je liedje aanvragen op de Aanvraag Pagina. Ik zal proberen het zo snel mogelijk toe te voegen aan het UkuTabs archief!

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