Month: August 2012

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~Get To Know This Artist~

Crowded House Biography

Crowded House is a rock group formed in 1985 in Melbourne, Australia and led by New Zealand musician and singer-songwriter Neil Finn. The band were originally active from 1986 to 1996 before deciding to split up. In 2007, the band reunited to record and tour again.

Neil Finn and Paul Hester decided to form a new band during the Split Enz farewell tour ‘Enz with a Bang’. Nick Seymour approached Finn during the after party for the Melbourne show and asked if he could try out for this new band.

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Non riuscite a trovare la canzone che state cercando di questo artista? Che sfortuna. Mi dispiace che UkuTabs non abbia la tua canzone. Puoi richiedere la tua canzone nella pagina delle richieste. Cercherò di aggiungerla all'archivio di UkuTabs il prima possibile!

Le 10 canzoni più viste oggi  

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