Month: February 2018

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~Get To Know This Artist~

Sleep On It Biography

Chicago. Pitch after passion, heart before fashion.
Debut EP ‘Everything, All At Once’ out February 11!

Music is about connecting with people, and that’s what we focus on more than anything else. We’re a band that expresses honesty, and individuality in our music, drawing inspirations from bands such as Yellowcard, Saves The Day, Brand New, Fall Out Boy, and the collective music scenes we all grew up in from Massachusetts, Georgia, Ohio, Michigan, Maine, and Illinois.

Genres: , , , .
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Non riuscite a trovare la canzone che state cercando di questo artista? Che sfortuna. Mi dispiace che UkuTabs non abbia la tua canzone. Puoi richiedere la tua canzone nella pagina delle richieste. Cercherò di aggiungerla all'archivio di UkuTabs il prima possibile!

Le 10 canzoni più viste oggi  

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