Month: April 2018

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~Get To Know This Artist~

Rex Orange County Biography

‘Rex Orange County’ is Alex O’Connor. A self-taught drummer, Alex grew-up in outskirts of London in Haslemere, Surrey. After applying keys, vocals and anything he could find to write loose-footed, fluid, personable songs about being bored and disillusioned, his self-produced eleven-track debut bedroom album ‘bcos u will never b free’ was released on September 2015. It was followed by the singles ‘UNO’ (2016) and ‘Best friend’ in January 2017.

Genres: , , , , .
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Non riuscite a trovare la canzone che state cercando di questo artista? Che sfortuna. Mi dispiace che UkuTabs non abbia la tua canzone. Puoi richiedere la tua canzone nella pagina delle richieste. Cercherò di aggiungerla all'archivio di UkuTabs il prima possibile!

Le 10 canzoni più viste oggi  

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