Underneath Your Clothes

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Fm       Cm   Db             Eb        Fm
You're a song written by the hands of God
Don't get me wrong
         Db                  Eb       Fm
'cause this might sound to you a bit odd
         Cm      Db
But you own the place
      Eb                Fm   Cm
where all my thoughts go hiding
     Db                           Eb
And right under your clothes is where I'll find them

Ab    Cm7        Db
Underneath your clothes
There's an endless story
Ab           Cm7   Db
There's the man I chose
There's my territory
    Cm                  Fm
And all the things I deserve
     Db           Eb                 Ab   Db
For being such a good girl, honey

Fm       Cm   Db             Eb              Fm
'Cause of you I forgot the smart ways to lie
Because of you 
         Db                  Eb       Fm
I'm running out of reasons to cry
         Cm      Db
When the friends are gone
      Eb       Fm   Cm
When the party is over
     Db                           Eb
We will still belong to each other

Ab    Cm7        Db
Underneath your clothes
There's an endless story
Ab           Cm7   Db
There's the man I chose
There's my territory
    Cm                  Fm
And all the things I deserve
     Db           Eb                 Ab   Db
For being such a good girl, honey

  B            B            Abm
I love you more than all that's on the planet
moving, talking, walking, breathing
You know it's true, oh babe it's so funny
You almost don't believe it
   B               B                      Abm7
As every voice is hanging from the silence
Lamps are hanging from the ceiling
Like a lady tied to her manners
F                      Fm
I'm tied up to this feeling

Interlude -x3-: Fm Cm Db Eb

Ab    Cm7        Db
Underneath your clothes
There's an endless story
Ab           Cm7   Db
There's the man I chose
There's my territory
    Cm                  Fm
And all the things I deserve
     Db           Eb                 Ab   Db
For being such a good girl, honey
Este arreglo para la canción es obra del autor y representa su interpretación de la canción. Sólo se puede utilizar para el estudio privado, la beca o la investigación. UkuTabs no es propietario de ninguna canción, letra o arreglo publicado y/o impreso. Este arreglo fue descargado gratuitamente en UkuTabs.com.
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Álbum: Laundry Service

Del mismo álbum
  1. Underneath Your Clothes
  2. Whenever Wherever
  1. ¿Aún no está en esta lista? ¡Pídelo!

~Sunday 23rd of March~


Shakira Isabel Mebarak Ripoll (born February 2, 1977), known simply as Shakira, is a Grammy-award winning Colombian singer-songwriter, musician, composer, record producer, music-video director, dancer, choreographer, instrumentalist and philanthropist who has sold over eighty million albums worldwide. She has won two Grammy awards, ten Latin Grammy awards, seven Billboard Music Awards, twenty-seven Latin Billboard Awards and has been nominated for a Golden Globe.

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