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Intro: D Gbm Bm G A D

       Gbm Bm        G       A  D
Be Thou my vision oh lord of my heart
A                     G              A
Not be all else to me save that Thou art
Bm           Gbm        D         G
Thou my best thought, by day or by night
D     Gbm Bm           G        A  D
Waking or sleeping Thy presence my light

Interlude: Bm Gbm D G 

D      Gbm Bm            G         A   D 
Be Thou my battle shield sword for the fight
A                  G         A
Be Thou my dignity Thou my delight
Bm             Gbm     D            G
Thou my soul's shelter Thou my high tower
D         Gbm Bm            G        A  D
Raise Thou me heavenward oh power of my power

    Gbm Bm G A D
    A G A
    Bm Gbm D G
    D Gbm Bm G A D...

         Gbm Bm        G     A D
High king of heaven my victory won
A                        G                  A
May I reach heavens joys oh bright heaven's sun
Bm          Gbm       D        G
Heart of my own heart whatever befall
D       Gbm Bm        G     A  D
Still be my vision oh ruler of all
           Gbm Bm        G     A  D
Oh still be my vision oh ruler of all
Este arreglo para la canción es obra del autor y representa su interpretación de la canción. Sólo se puede utilizar para el estudio privado, la beca o la investigación. UkuTabs no es propietario de ninguna canción, letra o arreglo publicado y/o impreso. Este arreglo fue descargado gratuitamente en UkuTabs.com.
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-2 is easyest


Love this song!!! It is easier to play if you transpose it to -2


hmm… i have an easier version
Be thou my vision , oh Lord of my heart
Naught be all else to me save that thou art
Bm G D G
Thou my best thought by day or by night
D Bm G A D
Waking or sleeping thy presence my light

Works for all the verses


This is one of my favorite hymns! So glad I was able to find this site!! 🙂

such an amazing song. My choir is singing this song this year. Hoping to try out for the solo!!!!

Álbum: A Hymn Revival: Vol. 2

  1. ¿Más de este artista? ¡Pídelo!

~Friday 21st of March~


The Lower Lights convened in fall 2009 for five days of recording. The goal was to dive into the hymns– familiar hymns, overlooked hymns, Hank Williams hymns, and more– and connect with them on a deeper level. Drawing equal parts reverence and celebration from the rich well of hymns, we ended up with 30-plus songs that felt part-revival, part-vigil. And we ended up with more than just an album. We ended up with an experience.

Genres: , .

All songs by The Lower Lights   »

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