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Este arreglo para la canción es obra del autor y representa su interpretación de la canción. Sólo se puede utilizar para el estudio privado, la beca o la investigación. UkuTabs no es propietario de ninguna canción, letra o arreglo publicado y/o impreso. Este arreglo fue descargado gratuitamente en
if you transpose to +3 it becomes C G Am F and Dm chords which is easy to play and a good pitch to suit the female voice 🙂
Love this song so much and it’s great to find chords! 😀 Thanks! :3
Is there someone who can translate this into Tablature? I haven’t learned how to use chords yet.
I like to put it to +3 but with the capo on 2nd fret (this is the same as having it on +5, but easier to play). It’s a good key for female vocals, and it’s the same key as the versions in Assassin’s Creed Black Flag (both the ending song and the tavern version)
You can play the a F C G and it still sounds good without the gaps in between
What’s the strumming pattern for this??